whatsap pln eng dem cze ukr
Cena hurtowa
kupno sprzedaż
Israeli shekel ILS
Israeli shekel
1.04100 1.11000

Cena detaliczna
kupno sprzedaż
Israeli shekel ILS
Israeli shekel
0.78000 1.15000

Exchange of Israeli shekels in Wrocław

The official currency of Israel and the Palestinian Authority, also called the new Israeli shekel, banknotes are issued by the Bank of Israel - Bank Yisrael. The new Israeli shekel was introduced in 1985, replacing the old shekel in the ratio of 1 new shekel = 1,000 old shekels. It was part of a wide-ranging reform aimed at stabilizing the economy and combating hyperinflation. Currently, it is the basic means of payment and plays a key role in the national economy. Israel has a dynamic and growing economy and the Israeli shekel is considered one of the most stable currencies in the region. Israel is one of the leaders in financial technology and uses modern payment systems, but the shekel is still the basic currency.

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