kupno | sprzedaż | |
Romanian leu |
0.83100 | 0.86900 |
kupno | sprzedaż | |
Romanian leu |
0.81500 | 0.97100 |
The official currency of Romania is a currency with a rich history that has undergone many changes over the years. It was introduced into circulation as the currency of Romania in 1867. As a result of hyperinflation in the 1990s, Romania carried out a currency reform and a new RON was introduced, replacing the old ROL. The National Bank of Romania is responsible for issuing the leu and controlling the countrys monetary policy. Banknotes are available in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 200 and 500 leu. The banknotes are decorated with images of important figures from Romanian history, such as Mihai Eminescu, Nicolae Iorga and Aurel Vlaicu. The Romanian leu plays an important role in the countrys economy, being the basic means of payment and a tool for economic stabilization.
Awers 500 Romanian lei 2005
Rewers 500 Romanian lei 2005
Awers 200 Romanian lei 2006
Rewers 200 Romanian lei 2006
Awers 100 Romanian lei 2005
Rewers 100 Romanian lei 2005
Awers 50 Romanian lei 2005
Rewers 50 Romanian lei 2005
Awers 20 Romanian Lei 2021
Rewers 20 Romanian Lei 2021
Awers 10 Romanian lei 2005
Rewers 10 Romanian lei 2005
Awers 10 Romanian lei 2008
Rewers 10 Romanian lei 2008
Awers 5 Romanian lei 2005
Rewers 5 Romanian lei 2005
Awers 1 Romanian Leu 2005
Rewers 1 Romanian Leu 2005