kupno | sprzedaż | |
Swiss franc |
4.47100 | 4.49900 |
kupno | sprzedaż | |
Swiss franc |
4.40000 | 4.57000 |
It is the official currency of Switzerland and Liechtenstein, known for its stability and is often used as a safe haven in times of global financial instability. The issuer of the Swiss franc is the Swiss National Bank Schweizerische Nationalbank - SNB. It was introduced in 1850, replacing the variety of currencies used in the Swiss cantons. It has since undergone several reforms but has retained its reputation as a stable and strong currency. It is one of the worlds main reserve currencies and Switzerland, with its stable banking system and strong economy, makes the Swiss franc attractive to investors looking for security.
Awers 1000 Swiss francs 2016
Rewers 1000 Swiss francs 2016
Awers 200 Swiss francs 2018
Rewers 200 Swiss francs 2018
Awers 100 Swiss francs 2016
Rewers 100 Swiss francs 2016
Awers 50 Swiss francs 2018
Rewers 50 Swiss francs 2018
Awers 20 Swiss francs 2016
Rewers 20 Swiss francs 2016
Awers 10 Swiss francs 2016
Rewers 10 Swiss francs 2016